Will Eating Chicken Really Save The Planet?

People don’t like to change and they especially don’t like to change what they eat.

Will Eating Chicken Really Save The Planet?

People don’t like to change and they especially don’t like to change what they eat.

But as the realities of the climate and biodiversity crises get ever more serious, the impacts of food are becoming impossible to ignore.

Faced with uncomfortable truths about the impacts of food on the planet, one response has been denial. This trait is evident amongst supporters of “regenerative” farming, who claim that animal agriculture can be “carbon positive.” A recent study put another nail in that coffin.

Another response has been deflection.

It’s very easy to point the finger at cows. Besides the fact that that finger should be aimed firmly at the humans who farm and eat cows, rather than the animals themselves, such simplification is potentially very problematic.

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