Are Lemons And Limes Really Not Vegan? What You Need To Know

The idea that they aren't vegan may come as a huge shock - but is there more than meets the eye?

Are Lemons And Limes Really Not Vegan? What You Need To Know

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Back in 2022, UK supermarket Tesco came under fire after adding warning labels to its lemons, limes, and oranges stating that they weren’t vegan-friendly. 

The incident caused a huge stir, and it was widely covered in the media. For some people, this was the first time they’d considered that seemingly innocuous citrus fruits may not be suitable for an animal-free lifestyle, and media coverage led to some panic in the vegan community. 

Then, in April 2024, the subject sparked headlines once again after pub chain Wetherspoons put up a sign stating that it “couldn’t guarantee” its fruit garnishes were vegan. In a statement sent to Plant Based News, a spokesperson said that the chain normally sources them from a “vegan-friendly supplier” but that it was using a new supplier for a “limited time” across all pubs. “We cannot, with the new supplier, guarantee that the limes are vegan friendly and as a result have put up the notice in our pubs,” the spokesperson added.

Lemons, limes, and oranges are hugely popular fruits eaten all over the world, and are commonly eaten by vegans in a wide variety of food and drink recipes. The idea that they may not be vegan may therefore come as a huge shock - but is there more than meets the eye? Here’s everything you need to know about eating lemons and limes as a vegan. 

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