The Campaign To Make Badminton Vegan

Badminton is the most played racquet sport on the planet. But it isn't vegan.

The Campaign To Make Badminton Vegan

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Back in 2022, badminton player Sarah Wild was told by her coach that she’d reached a proficient level, and she was asked if she’d like to start competing in tournaments. Since being introduced to badminton a few years earlier at her local health club, Wild had been playing up to five hours a day of the sport. She says she felt “ready and honored” to be asked to play at the next level, and eagerly accepted. 

Up until then, Wild had been using plastic shuttlecocks to play. But she says that she was told she’d have to transition to feather versions to compete. Wild, who has been vegan for six years, told her coach that she wasn’t comfortable using an object that’s a product of animal exploitation. Soon after, she decided to leave the sport for good. 

Wild started a campaign called “Duck Off Project,” which aims to remove feathers from the sport of badminton. “This has been very hard, but time and patience has been my silver lining,” she tells Plant Based News. “Helping me to speak up about the need of transitioning to eco-friendly shuttles, just like other sports have done.”

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