Are Almonds Really Unethical To Eat?

Almonds have been scapegoated by everyone from Piers Morgan to the writers of ‘The Good Place’ - but how unethical are they really?

Almonds have been scapegoated by everyone from Piers Morgan to the writers of ‘The Good Place’ - but how unethical are they really?

Over the last few years, there has been growing awareness of the huge impact our diet has on the environment. Study after study has shown that meat and dairy is destroying the planet, and the science is clear that we must move towards a more plant-based food system to avoid climate collapse. But despite this, society often chooses to ignore the impact of animal foods, and focus instead on demonizing vegan foods. Its favorite target? Almonds.

The furore against almonds can be largely traced back to the exploding popularity of almond milk, which took place in the 2010s. As more and more people went plant-based and became vocal about our food system’s problems, the media and popular culture fought back, deciding to blame vegans for eating almonds, rather than themselves for eating dairy.

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